Glosses and Diagrams

Glosses, commentaries, schemes and diagrams added to the margins of manuscripts give us a vivid insight into how the curriculum was read, digested, taught and transformed. In this theme we present some of the clues that help us understand this material from the margins

Techniques of reading and learning

Techniques of reading and learning are visible between the lines and in the margins of the manuscript.

Techniques of reading and learning

Diagrams in the rhetorical tradition

Rhetoric and dialectic in schemes

Diagrams in the rhetorical tradition

Squares and trees

Diagrams and other visual devices were added in manuscripts to help readers understand and memorise rhetorical and logical concepts.

Squares and trees

Reasoning through syllogisms

Propositions and syllogisms provided a methodology for constructing a logical argument.

Reasoning through syllogisms

Note The Art of Resoning in Medieval Manuscripts